
A Different Kind of Web Framework

for NodeJS

Learn More
Perfect for Microservices
Develop API Servers
Great for Prototyping

Start Developing with ServerKit

Install the latest package from NPM :
npm install --save @liquicode/serverkit
User ServerKit in your project :
const ServerKit = require( '@liquicode/serverkit' );
let server = ServerKit.NewServer( 'MyServer', __dirname, server_options );
await server.Initialize();
await server.Startup();

Deploy with the ServerKit Docker Image

docker run --mount type=bind,source=~/MyServer,target=/server agbowlin/serverkit

ServerKit Features

Built-In User Management and Authentication


Supports Http/Https and WebSockets

Ships with AMQP Support: Use Message Queues


Based on Express and Supports Plugins

Command Line to Invoke Services and Build Scripts


Management UI for Users and Services

No Complex Plumbing

Define Your Services in Javascript

Create an options file for your server:

// MyServer/SimpleService.options.json
module.exports = {
	services_path: 'SmallestService.js'

Author your service file:

// MyServer/SimpleService.js
exports.Construct =
	function Construct( Server )
		// Define the service.
		let service = Server.NewApplicationService(
			// Service Definition
				name: 'SmallestService',
				title: 'Smallest Service',
				description: 'This is the smallest service.',
			// Configuration Defaults
				answer: 42,
			} );
		// Define the service function.
		service.Origins.SimpleFunction =
					name: 'SimpleFunction',
				function () { return 'The answer is: ' + service.Settings.answer; }
		// Return the service back to ServerKit.
		return service;

Call your Service Function from the command line:

cd MyServer
npx @liquicode/serverkit call SmallestService.SimpleFunction
  The answer is: 42

Or from the web:

curl localhost:8080/SmallestService.SimpleFunction
  The answer is: 42

By Liquicode